Thursday, December 31, 2009

Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 today!
want to watch The Treasure Hunter sooooonn!!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

after the storm,
the sea is calm.

maybe, it is because jie is coming back. (yay)
and i am hoping the next 'disaster' will come later later later.
i cant say never come,
because like i said,
it is a cycle which never ends/
something to be happy about
: jie is coming back today - FINALLY <3

Monday, December 28, 2009

when a volcano erupts, you RUN

I have to learn to SUCK IT UP no matter how tired I am.
because it is a cycle which NEVER FREAKING ENDS.
because it is never enough.


crap mess.
someone please get me out of here.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

this show is sososo awesome but really gory and sad.
cried like mad and continued doing so after the show!!

off to watch AVATAR 3D nowww! heard it's really nice!
mad huh. 2 movies in one day.
and tmrw - Princess and the fog
day after tmrw - Alvin and the chipmunks 2


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Suddenly, it feels as though my heart has pounded so strongly that my chest hurts.

I don't know how I should face this unknown, or if I am ready to do so.

And I am afraid that how I react would change all that I have now,
something which I treasure so very much that I am unable to even put it in words...
backkkk! Home is always the best :)
only spent 9 minutes of christmas in Singapore.. but there are still 14 days of christmas left :D

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nickelback - Never Gonna Be Alone

''Time, is going by, so much faster than I,
And I'm starting to regret not spending all of it with you.
Now I'm, wondering why, I've kept this bottled inside,
So I'm starting to regret not telling all of it to you ''

the lyrics of this song is so amazing.
and it got me so :/
I cant believe that 3/4 of December is almost over,
and that 2009 is coming to an end.
Somehow, i just cant bear to let go of everything.

& it has got me wondering if i would regret about things which I have not said/done.

Maybe one day, the feelings hidden somewhere in the corner of my heart would escape.
If only if I had the courage to let it show..
instead of texting oh lol , what i really wanted to say was -
I cant help it if you dont like me for who i am/am not.

hehehe watched Planet 51 which was okay..
and then Kenny Rogers for dinner!! yummyyummy :):)
she bought me makeup for my birthday hehe
and taught me how to use it, that's why my eyes look so dark! hehe :P

want to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Spy Next More and Toothfairy!
they are all light hearted movies hahah :D

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

dont know what to believe anymore..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

peace and serenity

because you listened,
because you cared,
because you were always here for me

are you still here?

Monday, December 14, 2009

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm fallin' and I, am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Random Fact #7 : Was 20 cm from being hit by a car today. o-m-gosh

Sunday, December 13, 2009


so what if he is gay?
because who are we to judge?


Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside
Gonna tell ya you’ll be alright
In the Aftermath
Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath
MAHJONGGG!!!! :)))

Saturday, December 12, 2009


" Which is more difficult? Pretending to like someone you don't or pretending not to like someone? "

maybe, what we're looking for is not too far away...
Sometimes all you need to do is follow your heart.
haiss eyerings + eyebags are like. GINORMOUS
when will it ever DISAPPEAR?

okay TIRED
gonna crashhh. :/
nightssssssssssssss :]

HAHAHA TGIF!!!!!!!!!!! <333
okayy like super hyper nowww :) hehehe :/

~ went to cut hair and it's like shorter now but nicer i guess :)

~ yayyyy went to rollerblade with :):):) super fabfabfab!!! like for almost 3 hours okay! and at first i thought it was going to be weird and allll but everything was okay and i could just be myself :) then went to AMK HUB like my first time and went to MOF for early dinner!! my first time too :D ate SNOW ICE for dessert! ALSO MY FIRST TIME but yummyyummy kayz but impossible to finish one on my own!!

~ went to walkwalk at Orchard and then there was a FLEA MARKET!! WAS SOSOSOSOO CRAZY AND EXCITED!!!! BOUGHT LIKE A FEW STUFFS CUZ I WENT TOO LATE :(
but yayyyyy :) i <3<3 fleas!

~ Storm warriors 2 at GWC! Aaron Kwok is like so coool- stupid Ekin Cheng ._. and crazy hair-tearing ending that leaves you with this ZZZ feeling

~ becauseeeeee of the Edusave and Eagles award hahahahahaha :):):)
doing prefect duty was so worth it :) hehehe

i think i was just like so high because it was really cool walking around with the blades hanging from my shoulders :D wanna get one tooooooo :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

things which divert my focus from anything elseeee

<3 Mango and Club Marc + Robinsons stuffssss :]

what a paradox.

wants to tell the truth but I can't.

wants to lie but I don't know how to.

:/ , :S, :@ and a million other emoticons which screams howwwwwwwww?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Random Fact #6 : Really dislike getting one word/ short replies.
[ but sometimes i do that too when i dont feel like talking :/ OOPPPSSS ]
"You know what I think hurts the most? The feeling of being replaced. It’s like no matter what you do, it isn’t enough. And you’re suddenly left thinking that you’ll never be enough. And a sudden sadness captures your heart that never really leaves."

angry with you, me, just everythinggggg..

The air at night is so crisp and fresh and there's barely a hint of pollution. So quiet and dark yet the wind is just enough to take your breath away.
Skipping at night really calms me/ allows me to get every emotion out of my system.
Just got to breatheeeee. :S

Random Fact #5: Skipping on an overhead bridge is way cooool...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Random Fact #4: CANT MULTITASK!!!

Reasons to be happy/excited/hyperr!

¤ Had japanese food for 2 days of dinner!!
And I'm addicted to Yami Yogurt!
¤ Lester texted me from London!!!!! :DD
And Saruul called me from Mongolia!!!! :)))
And Janet Jie called me from Canada!!
HAHAHA <3 <3 <3
¤ Got Adam Lambert's For Your Entertainment music cd yayyyyz
¤ Becuz of how everything is okay now and also of what you said :)
¤ Going to watch New Moon laterr !
¤ Taiwan
¤ Super Duper excited for Friday! Can't waitt..
Anyway I figured out what that upsetting feeling was: the feeling of being replaced.
But. how to sayyyyz.
In the end I'm the fool again. -.-

I keep getting scammed of my feelingss!
Should just carry on laughing at everything and myself :x

HAHAHA why am I sooo crazy LOL.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The feeling of disappointment seriously sucks sometimes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

you can always make me smile;

wonder if missing can be put into words hahaha :)
but somehow i feel so much better now :))))
thankyou,thankyou,thankyou :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

>janet Jie

Hey Jie! yup! Becuz cheryl wants to go..
We are going again tmrw! And maybe bringing to waveboard too.. Hahaha cheryl keeps falling down becuz she doesn't know how to bend her knees.. And I'm okay but I have no idea how to turn!! But luckily it is not so crowded on weekdays so won't crash or anything :)

Sooo cool that you can iceskate on the ponds there! ( is it? ) but is it dangerous? Like will the ice crack?
3 more weeks till you're back and you know that many people are not going to be in Singapore for Christmas this year? hmm oh I also haven't found a job cause I'm really lazy to go for interviews and all..
Yuppz well reply soon and take care!

The first day of December 2009

today was..... :/
€ Rollerbladed till Bedok Jetty and overcame all the energy-consuming slopes but now I have 2 blisters..
€ Played mahjong with Irene, Daddy and PoPo while GongGong went for checkup..
€ & Brandan managed to catch dozens of prawns so we went bbq-ing!

But I still, I don't know..
felt a little :( because of everything.

I want to learn how to not take things for granted.
Even though I know I should not, sometimes I just keep looking back, and start having regrets about things which I had or had not done.
Arghzxzxzx :(((
ahhhh so tired..
My back is going to break and eye rings are hugeeeee.. Hah zzz. Feel like I don't even have the energy to sit up straight..
Hope I'll get over this morning sickness after rollerblading later!

/Action speaks louder than words/