Tuesday, December 1, 2009

>janet Jie

Hey Jie! yup! Becuz cheryl wants to go..
We are going again tmrw! And maybe bringing to waveboard too.. Hahaha cheryl keeps falling down becuz she doesn't know how to bend her knees.. And I'm okay but I have no idea how to turn!! But luckily it is not so crowded on weekdays so won't crash or anything :)

Sooo cool that you can iceskate on the ponds there! ( is it? ) but is it dangerous? Like will the ice crack?
3 more weeks till you're back and you know that many people are not going to be in Singapore for Christmas this year? hmm oh I also haven't found a job cause I'm really lazy to go for interviews and all..
Yuppz well reply soon and take care!

1 comment:

Janet said...

haha it's safe cos they're artificial rinks.. have freezing units underneath:) anw, so who won the mahjong?? hee. aiya take your time to find job la.. can relax and have fun with irene and cheryl first while they're still having hols lor..