Sunday, January 24, 2010


-> KLUNCH at Cineleisure kbox!(sisters and friend from china)
-> SPY NEXT DOOR at Plaza Sing (familyy)
-> Dinner at Tunglok restaurant, Orchard Central
-> Skatepark to seee cool bikers and skateboarders hehehe :p and fleaa market! (alone) :D

it was awesome to see the guys perform their stunts! They seriously have no fear of falling down or anything and are so determined to get the stunt right! They're really gooddddd.. Seeing their passion for this reminded me of my passion for dance! :)
And then to fleaaa hehehe $ fly away againnn.

Anyway! I still remember there was this one time when we went to Edwin's house to swim. We were looking at the sky and debating if the shining point in the sky was a star or a satellite, since it wasn't blinking. I know what it is now! A STAR! PLANET VENUS ! Saw it again tonight and JieJie told me that the star for Venus does not blink... :) anyway it was really bright and pretty :)

1 comment:

zhi said...

that time i said it was a planet! no one believe me lol..but i thought venus was a red star?