Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today, I hid in the corner of my room.
Today, I burned out 3/4 of my Ipod's battery.
Today, I was in the wrong.

Today, I realized that it is not easy, but I must learn to be a better person.

But for now, I just want to thank the Greater One for blessing me with family and friends who tolerate me, and love me for who i am. <3 (:

P/S : Tonight's stars made the sky so so beautiful.
P/S/S : omg~~~~~ why cant you post comments on people's twitter!!! ._. sighz give the BLGs tix to me!!
P/S/S/S : Today i used my new bag! hehehe so cute it's glow in the dark! Although I rly rly rly rly, times 100000, wanted to buy the super BEAUTIFUL Eastpak bag, but i shall be learn to be contented with this:) it's actually quite unique la!

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