Monday, May 31, 2010

But I'll just make the same mistake again :'(

Colbie Caillat - I Never Told You :'(

But I never told you
What I should have said
No I never told you
I just held it in

And now, I miss everything about you (still you're gone)
I can't believe that I still want you (and loving you, I never should have walked away)
After all the things we've been through(I know it's never gonna come again)
I miss everything about you, without you

goshhhhh sigh :'(
and the video makes me want to cry :'(
stupid me.
❒ Taken ❒ Single ✔Numb/Confused/Any crappy feeling
-Poetic heartache
The worst feeling isn’t being lonely but forgotten by someone you can’t forget.

I just don’t know if I wanna do it anymore - get close to somebody so they can leave again.
— One Tree Hill

''Stupid Questions Day'' HAHA :p

Watched The Losers with Shannon, the 2 Weihaos, Sean and Jiayong today! Really niceeeee though it's a little violent but it's really funny ANDDD I didnt know Chris Evans acted as Jensen!!!

Baby,don't you break my heart slow

But Id rather you be mean than love and lie
Id rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
Id rather take a blow at least then I would know
But baby dont you break my heart slow

sunday oh sundayy

I'm really addicted to songs by Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson and Brian Mcknight <3 :'(

+ 0307 -> Just did finish all the chores. Packed my room :) Mopped my room floor :) Folded and ironed the clothesss and washed the dishes [ Greatest accomplishment ]!! Hahaha I admit that I hate using the sponge and washing dishes idkwhy but i couldnt stand the sight of the unwashed dishes and it seemed like no one was going to do it sooo i guess it was up to me..
and Irene was so surprised when she saw me washing the dishes -.- haha she was like - ''I cant believe you ACTUALLY washed the dishes!!'' hahah ._. oh well i love my home that's why.
And this is why i dont really like Sundays.. so busy! Nightsss <3

Train - Hey, Soul Sister

You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I cant be
I want the world to see you'll be with me

awesomeee song so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

I realize i have been blogging a lot lately. I've been really moody and sad and lethargic these few dayss :/ :'( T.T oh well.
Anw there's school tomorrow! But only for one hour..
have school for this week but luckily, we end at 12 or earlier each dayy :)

Anyway the picture up there is so lovely.. :) :/
i'm going to continue finding pictures of hugs..
so beautiful~ sigh

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I hate the fact that I'm always not sure about what I want.
I hate the way that even if I know what I want, I'd never go after it.
I hate the way I wont try anything new.
I hate the way I'm so scared of getting hurt.
I hate the fact that I am not strong enough.
I hate the way I hurt others despite the fact that I told myself that I'd never want to cause another soul to feel as miserable as I felt.
I hate the way I am not as nice and selfless as I used to be.
I hate the way I am such a boringgggggggg person.
I hate the way I cant dance anymore. :((
I hate the way I am so average.
I hate the way I feel so small sometimes.
I hate the way I am so chubby, my hair is so short, my eyerings are so huge, and whatever.

And this list could go on and on and on because there'd be hundreds of things I could hate about myself.
Maybe I should start thinking about the things I love instead.

i'm sorry :(

yes no maybe

I spent a lot of time being miserable. It’s like misery is an old friend. And it tricks you sometimes into thinking that it’s just always gonna be there and that you can’t be happy. But you can; you can walk away from pain. And I think being in love’s the best way to do it. - Peyton Sawyer

It’s better to be alone than have somebody who is half there or doesn’t want to be there.
Maybe people always leave because they can’t find anymore reasons to stay.

You can feel when someone you hold close to your heart is slipping away, little by little. It’s when the mere thought of losing a friend can bring you to tears almost instantly. The pain you are beginning to feel can crush your entire heart.

Yet everything that you try to do to solve the problems only push them further and further away from you.
When the only chance of getting back to the way things were in the beginning is to hope this person realized what they may be losing.

Things i have fallen in love with #2

2. Hugs

My favourite, definitely :'(
I dont know. I imagine the feeling of being hugged to be something very special? You feel so protected and loved and awesome just being in the arms of someone important to you.

I dont know.
I have very little faith in relationships even though I've never been in one. Dont you think they're so fragile?
Which is why it's important that I really like and trust the person a lot a lot a lot before I get into one.
But I think I have even forgotten how to really fall for someone.
I dont know how to say. But it's like I'm numb already.
Like see cute guy. Yeah they're cute. But so what?
It doesnt really matter....

But yet at the same time sometimes I wish there'd be someone who would just hold me tight and make me feel like everything's okay.
So contradicting i know..

Anywayyyyy hugs are just so beautiful <3

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Things i have fallen in love with #1

1.Eyeliners~ :))!

sorry if these pictures look scary hahahahahaa.
and I am not an ahlian!
Was just bored, really.

days where you feel like everything is absolutely STUPID.

Freak i hate feeling so annoyed, frustrated
for no reason at all or for every possible reason.
And it has been going on for days now.
I think my face is as dark as the sky.

Dont feel like talking,
dont feel like eating,
dont feel like doing anything,
i just want to listen to Taylor Swift and surf tumblrblogs.

:/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/

please hold me tight;

you're only 17 once


i'm sorry but there's no other way when it comes to the truth

Friday, May 28, 2010

I. N E E D. E A R P H O N E S. :'(
without music, i'm even more lost.
Do you know that at many a times,
i would look at the faces of people all around me.
And then I would start feeling so empty.
Because the happiness that they're feeling,
Sometimes i cant feel anymore.
It's like as if my heart is hollow or something.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

:'( so sweet


when i think about all the times i cried

And I realized letting go is a gradual process.
That I was being healed without knowing it.
That even though I didn’t know I was moving on with my life, it was happening.

because there is be a point in time where i have to realize that maybe I'm not that important afterall.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

stay strong

i wish i could do something to make everything better for you.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How much do I mean to you?

Friday, May 14, 2010



exams soooooooooooooooooooooon!
hais must really stop being so :/

this made me want to :'(

yet another friday :/ :'(

it must feel nice to know that you mean something to someone, that you're good enough.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

so pretttyyyyyyy

so sad because my headphones one side is spoilt :(

RAN 2.4 TODAY :)
was aiming like 16 minutes..

but all i could say was goodnight\

Sleep well, darling, wherever you are,
I hope that you're happy tonight
and maybe you found someone who will love you right.
Sleep well, darling
I'm desperate to say now I need you more than ever
But all I could say was goodnight.
and for a while it seemed like we went back to the way we were,
until i remembered..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


you know after folding a straw heart?
There are the ends where you need to cut away?
I connected them and made a straw heart.
But it isn't perfect, and it's empty in some places.
It's like trying to fix a broken heart.

what happened?


Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's like you wiped all the memories of what we used to be
omg you know my sister said i was singing in my sleep today.
hahaha like 2 lines from Adam Lambert's Whataya want from me.
so i was like subconsciously listening to the song and singing.
How freaky!!~

''Just don't give up I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down'

I think i like this song too much :)

WATCHED IPMAN2 today. and cried like crap when Sammo Hung died.
I like Donnie Yen :)

You don't ever get over it because''it'',
is the person you loved.

Cures for Heartbreak

but im supposed to have learned to walk away already.
Seven months ago you gave me a reason to believe that some friends were forever.
Seven months ago you were the reason I was strong during those hard times.
Three months ago I felt like I had lost my rock, my stability.
Three months ago I cried myself to sleep almost once every week
Three months ago I didn’t know what to do without you.
Three months ago I blogged about you almost everyday.
Two months ago you stopped texting me.
Two months ago I cried because I saw you being happy without me.
One month ago I started to get used to not having you around.
One month ago I said I never knew why I liked you so much in the first place.

And now? Now when I’m right in front of you and looking straight into your eyes. The pain feels as raw as if you had left me yesterday. And despite everything, I know I miss you. So what now?

"True friendship isn't about being inseperable, its about being seperated and nothing changing"
but everything seems to have changed.

kay i look weird.