Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I don't know what made you start talking to me again.. With reason or no reason,
Then I am reminded of the times I used to wish you were texting me instead of her, the times I wished you would ask me how my day was, the times I missed your smiley faces.

But now I realize.. I don't even place my phone beside me just to wait for your reply anymore,
I realize I don't even bother to reply as quickly as I used to just so you wouldn't have to wait,
I realize your smileys don't even make me smile anymore,
I realize... I realize.. I realize..
That I stopped missing you a long time ago.
I just didn't know it until now.

Monday, June 28, 2010

you found me

Have I mentioned how much I love listening to The Fray? Love their songs like You Found Me, How to save a life, Over my head, Never say never, Look after you. <3

Why'd have to wait, where were you, where were you,
Just a little late, you found me, you found me

Why'd have to wait, to find me, to find me....

will they really?

haha exactly.

Girls aren’t going to talk to you first. It’s a girl thing.
We don’t like starting the conversation because we like to feel like you want to talk to us.
We like to feel like the wait was worth something. We like feeling like you’ve waited for us like we’ve waited for you.
But the number one reason we hate talking first is because we hate to seem needy or clingy. That’s why we’re scared. Cause to us, being needy and obsessive just pushes guys away. And no girl wants that.

haha this made me smile :)

You must be a good runner, because you’re always running on my mind.
You must be a great thief, because you’ve stolen my heart.
But I must be a horrible shooter, because I’m always missing you.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


anyway i'm kind of unprepared for my exams!
cant wait for it to end on Thursday.
And cant wait for SPLENDOURS on Friday! :)
And i think for these few days Starbucks will be like my 2nd home :) :/
Kind of miserable today cos I'm in a lethargic mood. Hence I didnt really have the mood to study :( kind of disappointed with myself for being so useless for lacking self-discipline.
But on a brighter note, somehow I can't wait to go back to school - I really dislike rotting at home :/ and also because I watched What Happens In Vegas again:) [ while slacking] and Cameron Diaz is so beautiful :) OH AND I FOUND MY PREFECT BADGE!!!

Actually I do miss talking to you.
Or maybe I miss having someone who seems to care.
& I can't help checking my phone from time to time though i know there's no text.
Kay I know I'm so stupid and silly.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

there'll be no more crying in the rain

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.

It's like realizing that now, just like how it should have been, just like how they've seen you as all along, you start to see someone as a friend only.
No more heartskip no more heartache no more hoping.
Just the pure joy of having a friend.

I think I got it figured out :)
I'm over it, over him.

& Im gonna wait for a kind of love that's true.

Friday, June 25, 2010

(Guy says sorry) Girl:" I don't want to hear your apology. There must be a solution!" (Guy apologizes again)
Girl:" Just go. Leave. I don't ever want to see you again".
Guy walks away.
Girl:"Dont go, please don't leave, please don't walk away, please turn around"
(Girl cries till next morning)

I just watched the show and I sobbed like some crazy girl. :'( still crying after the show omg my eyes feel puffy and tired now...

i know how it feels like to fake a smile when actually deep down inside your heart is falling apart.
i know how it feels like to sit in the dark and cry till you dont even care if people walk past and give you weird stares.
i know how it feels like to cry just listening to a single song.
i know it feels like to cry and wish there's someone to hold you.
i know how it feels like to cry till your eyes are puffy in the morning.
i know how it feels like to cry yourself to sleep.
i know how it feels like, the feeling where you want to cry out loud, but you just have to bite your lip and cry silently.
I know how it feels like.

But I wish I didn't.
I wish I didn't have to know how it feels like.

find something worth holding on to :)

Sometimes I dont get why we hold back so much?
What are we afraid of? But then again, who am I to say? I'm a coward too..
Maybe someday we'll learn to be more spontaneous, to go after what we want without any hesitation. But sometimes that someday might be a little too late? When we 've decided to let go of all our fears, we might have already missed all our chances.

Chase after your dreams,
Call an old friend,
Tell someone you love them.

Because you dont want to regret anything.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Was reading my diaries last night.. Smiling and tearing whilst reading everything, it then occurred to me that things which are left unsaid, really do have the ability to break peoples' hearts.

It's the exact feeling of how someone leaves without an explanation or anything, leaving you there waiting for something to happen, for an answer? But no, they don't turn back to tell you why they're walking out of your life, they don't tell you why they stop caring like they used to, they can't even hear you sob as you ask 'why?', because they are already so far away, and then that's when you realize that they're not coming back, and neither will you find the answers to your questions.

And then after a while, maybe a day, 1 week, a few months, you realize that maybe some things are better left unsaid? Or some questions you wouldn't really need the answer to?

Maybe because I'm not worth the answer, or I'm just not meant to know why. Either way, maybe it's a lesson learnt. What could have been, will never be anyway.

when there was me and you

Put my ipod on shuffle and stumbled upon this song. The song I was looking for to describe my feelings. But now I don't need it anymore.

I swore I knew the melody that I heard you singing
And when you smiled you made me feel, like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words, now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's, once upon a song

Now I know you're not a fairytale, and dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star, just don't come true
Cause now even I can tell, that I confused my feelings with the truth
Cause I liked the view, when there was me and you

Cause I liked the view
Thought you felt it too
When there was me and you

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

These few days I've been asking myself many questions. Likeeee..
What do we live for?
What is love?
What is beauty?
What lasts forever? If forever exists that is.

Sometimes I really don't know..

love my family a lot, :)

Always here for me, <3

Monday, June 21, 2010


Most beautiful picture I've seen for the day..
Wonder if I'll ever be able to dance like that :/

Anyway recently I heard James Blunt's You're Beautiful on the radio..
and it has been sometime since I heard it.
But it was so sweet,whoever he was singing the song to aww :'/
You're beautiful. You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
'Cause I'll never be with you

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I dont get it.
I dont get how some girls are just so beautiful.
Sorry i just cant help feeling inferior and small.

But seriously, they are almost perfect in every way - super nice, sweet, interesting, fun to be with, pretty, slim, smart, fashionable, everything every girl wants to be and everything a guy is looking for.

& what I dont get the most is that they dont seem to know how awesome they are.
Sometimes I feel like I ought to tell them how amazing they are, just so they'd stop feeling insecure too, just like how all girls are, just like how I'm feeling now.
I never knew
I never knew that everything was falling through
That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue
To turn and run when all I needed was the truth

In the end, everyone leaves.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

:/ Theory Of A Deadman - Not Meant To Be

It's never enough to say I'm sorry
It's never enough to say I care
But I'm caught between what you wanted from me
And knowing that if I give that to you
I might just disappear

Nobody wins when everyone's losing

It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, I can't change your mind
I know it's like trying to turn around on one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me

best friend!!

awesome Friday night :) Saw a lot of random people! :)
shall post more pictures later :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Took this a few days ago. So beautiful aint it? <3
I took it sneakily and I wish I could have shown them how beautiful their photo was <3

And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Maybe I was just another ordinary girl too.

You're not ordinary.
But I'm moving on because neither can I keep living in self deception nor can I let myself go through all the crap over and over again.

“ It’s funny how when you finally get over someone, you start seeing them in a whole new perspective. It’s like you’re looking at them through the eyes of your best friend, and you realize, he’s nothing special. He’s just another ordinary boy. ”

Or maybe you start seeing that everything which you once thought he was, he isnt anymore.

Monday, June 14, 2010


stupid me.

Fading away

I try searching for the you who used to care.
But somehow I just seem to cant find it anymore. :/
And I dont know how to feel or what to do
But I know I have to get used to it and stop running away from the truth.

'Sometimes it’s hard looking at you. It hurts to see who you’ve become, and how far we’ve drifted apart. And it’s sad that everything have to be left as just a memory.' - Narida

Sunday, June 13, 2010

This post is specially dedicated to...

okay I know Janet Jie and Li Hao probably wouldnt read this.. But I just felt like posting it. It's their 5th year anniversary next month :) I cant believe it has been this long, and it's like he is already one of us :)

& Today I asked Jie - how do you stay in love for so long? And she was like- 'It all depends on the way you view relationships. Of course you do not go into one with a mindset that it would end someday and neither do you go into one just for fun. You date to marry.'
I have never really thought about it till so far, the 'date to marry' part. And at that moment i was like, :'( so touched! Hahaha okay I'm not being dramatic, okay maybe a little. But as in, their relationship gives me a reason to believe in love <3

P/S He is her first boyfriend :) :)

Asher Book - Try

This song is so sweet it makes my heart melt but somehow it's sad at the same time?

If I walk would you run
If I stop would you come
If I say you’re the one would you believe me
If I ask you to stay would you show me the way
Tell me what to say so you don’t leave me
The world is catching up to you
while your running away to chase your dream

Training to be photogenic. HAHA!

I like the first picture the most. Because that sort of portrays the real me.
Dont know how to explain but ya.

Was playing around with the templates and I like this design a lot! So cute :)
Anyway I dont know why I've a sudden obsession with rings. :)
So pretty~ The first 2 are GUITARPICKS, SO CUTE RIGHT!
i have a secret obsession with people who can play the bass guitar haha :B