Sunday, July 4, 2010

gosh :'(


I loved you for as long as I remember, quite literally. I remember you helping me tie my shoes in kindergarten, and how I listened for your name during role call because I was too shy to ask it, how I would pray all through elementary school for you to randomly decide to sit with me at lunch, and when I put up with being enrolled in your mother’s extracurricular art classes just because it meant a chance I might see you again, and when you were the only one in my entire life that protected me from the bullying and the ridicule. You are my hero, and I strive every day to be worthy of the love of someone like you.

You would be 26 now, if you were still alive. You died three years ago, and I never told you of my crush. I still love you to this day. I never so much as told you I liked you.

To everyone who has a crush, I assure you - YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN. Do not wait one more moment out of fear, anxiety, apprehension, uncertainty, or any other reason to tell someone how you feel. You never know if you’ll have another opportunity.

To August - I would give my life to tell you how much your actions in life meant to me, how much you as a person meant to me, how much you changed and saved my life. I would give my life to know you are at peace wherever you are.

I love you.

— “September”

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