Monday, February 1, 2010


Anyway, today, the guy at NYJC said that it is most likely that my appeal is not successful. I almost wanted to like, throw my phone or bang my head against the wall or something.. The feeling of disappointment never fails to killl me inside. But seeing Muanting and Jaron after that made me feel happy again! :)

But I think I can accept CJC, the school, the people.
Some parts of the school compound are emo while there are the sunny and cheerful parts too, kind of something like me. WEIRD is what i am. I like the track and field though, they have fake grass too! And it's almost completed!! So when I'm feeling sad yet crazy I can just lie in the middle of the field. No insects to crawl on me :) . Even better if it's raining.

Maybe I can accept.
I just need time. A lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of timeeeeee
But I dont think that I will let go even after I have accepted.
Important to me, yes.
Will treasure a lot. a lot. a lot.
and remember always always always! (:

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