Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby, baby, baby ohhhh, thought you'd always be mine

this Justin Bieber song is so catchy and im addicted!!


I think after being separated with all the people whom I have spent 2 years or more with, I have learnt to treasure whatever time i have with them..
Like I want to be happy all the time whenever I am with them so I can always remember it as a happy memory. :)

I have become more.. hmm i dont know. emotional? hahaha
<3 started hugging people goodbye because I know that I can see them only like a week later.
<3 And now I also run after buses just so I can wave goodbye one more time. :)
<3 Plus twice in this week, I have met 2 people whom I usually do not even talk to in school.. and surprisingly, I was brave enough to say hello to them. It's like so coincidental to actually see them. Singapore is small, but I didnt know it was thattt small... Or was it fate or something? I dont know either..

Well today is the last day of CNY and I cant wait to open my redpackets:) hahaha I saw one grey hoodie at New Look and I think I am going to get it! :D

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